The Historical Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Icing Publications

Published: Tue 01 February 2022
Updated: Wed 12 February 2025

tags: NACA

"... the recommendation was made that before attacking what appeared to be a new icing problem we should study the icing work of the 1940's and 50's." 1

NACA-TN-2569 cover page. NACA Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Technical Note 2569. A Summary of Meteorological Conditions Associated with Aircraft Icing and a Proposed Method of Selecting Design Criterions for Ice-Protection Equipment. Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio. November, 1951
The cover page of NACA-TN-2569. The original covers were often this orange or yellow, with some in beige or blue. If you find an original print now the color is probably rather faded.


A "Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Icing Publications" identified 132 publications in 17 categories.



This title was published three times.

The first was in 1969 in the "Aircraft Ice Protection Report of Symposium" 1 as "Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Unclassified Icing Publications". It was not credited, but immediately followed a paper by Vernon Gray.

The second publication was in 1971 as part of FAA Advisory Circular 20-73 "Aircraft Ice Protection" 2, as "APPENDIX 2. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF UNCLASSIFIED NASA-NACA AIRCRAFT ICING REPORT". It was not otherwise credited. It was not included in the 2006 revision AC 20-73A 3.

The third publication was in 1981 in NASA-TM-81651 4. NASA-TM-81651 includes a reprint of Uwe von Glahn's "The Icing Problem: Current Status of NACA Techniques and Research" from 1955 5. That is followed by "Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Icing Publications", which is again not credited, but the "Foreword" attributes it to Uwe von Glahn. The third publication includes the abstracts of all 132 publications.

As the list of abstracts did not reproduce well in NASA-TM-81651, the abstracts are reformatted in text at Abstracts for The Historical Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Icing Publications.

The bibliographic lists are substantially similar in the three publications. Minor differences include different numberings, and some references are updated, such as "Summary of Statistical Icing Cloud Data Measured Over United States and North Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans During Routine Aircraft Operations" was updated from "NASA Memo CCE-169" to "NASA Memo 1-19-59E".

Requests for data

In the "Foreword" of 4, Jack Reimann writes:

In the 1978 Aircraft Icing Workshop the recommendation was made that before attacking what appeared to be a new icing problem we should study the icing work of the 1940's and 50's. The documents of that period were so old, however, that they were not listed in the modern computerized library search systems, and some of these documents were out of print. Fortunately, U. H. von Glahn had prepared a selected bibliography of the NACA-NASA publications in aircraft icing. This bibliography was furnished to those who requested information about the NACA works. But some of the citations in the bibliography were those that were out of print.

In 1979, both the AGARD Working Group (WG-09) on Rotorcraft Icing and the Helicopter Icing Panel SAE AC-9 Committee urged NASA to reissue the publications cited in von Glahn's bibliography. Concurrently, industry and other government organizations requested that these reports be reissued. The present report was prepared in response to those requests.

Note the requests from expert groups for 30+ year-old NACA icing data.

Also note "The documents were so old, however, that they were not listed in the modern computerized library search systems, and some of these documents were out of print." Modern online searches, such as, commonly miss many NACA citations. Most of the NACA publications are available only as image scans, and some of them of poor quality, from which the text is difficult extract accurately.

Ironically, the quality of the online version of NASA-TM-81651 4 is not good, so the text was not accurately parsed by computer (numerous manual corrections of scanned text were required to produce the listings below).

The NACA Technical Report Server.
The NACA Technical Report Server, circa 1999. From NASA/TM-1999-209127. This has been superseded by the NTRS 6.
Experience the archived version for December, 1998, at

Publications not in the NTRS

While most of the NACA publications are available at the NTRS 6, some are not. The publications that I could not find copies of on the NTRS are:

  • Two references to NASA-TM-X-54700, which purportedly documents the “Compilation of the Paper Presented at NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation". However, the citation NASA-TM-X-54700 appears to be an error, as on the ntrs it is listed as “Space radiation- a compilation and discussion”. The “Compilation of the Paper Presented at NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation" is available as a print book.
    • von Glahn, Uwe H.: "Some Considerations for the Need of Icing Protection of High-Speed, High-Altitude Airplanes", NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation. NASA-TM-82265, 1954.
      • The NTRS link does not have a file download available.
      • It can be found at
    • Gray, Vernon H.: "Icing Conditions to be Expected in Operation of High-Speed, High-Altitude Airplanes". NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation. NASA-TM-82266, 1954.
      • The NTRS link does not have a file download available.
      • It can be found at
  • Gray, Vernon H.: "Correlation of Airfoil Ice Formations and Their Aerodynamic Effects With Impingement and Flight Conditions". SAE preprint No. 225 (paper presented at SAE National Aeronautics Meeting), October 1957.
    • The NTRS link does not have a download available.
    • It is available at
    • It is available for purchase from the SAE.
  • Gray, Vernon H.: "Heat Requirements for Ice Prevention on Gas-Heated Propellers". SAE preprint No. 424 (paper presented at SAE Annual Meeting), 1950.
    • The NTRS link does not have a download available.
    • It is available for purchase from the SAE.
  • Anon: NACA Conference on Aircraft Ice Prevention A Compilation of Papers Presented by NACA Staff Members. 6505/NACA-1947/8, 1947.
    • This is available at DTIC
  • Perkins, Porter J.: "Summary of Statistical Icing Cloud Data Measured Over United States and North Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans During Routine Aircraft Operations". NASA Memo 1-19-59E, 1959.
  • Bowden, D.T,, “Engineering Summary of Airframe Icing Technical Data”, FAA Technical Report ADS-4, General Dynamics/Convair, San Diego, California, 1963

The 132 icing publications

Links to reviews are included where applicable.

  • Meteorology of Icing Clouds

    • Lewis, William, and Bergrun, Norman R.: A Probability Analysis of the Meteorological Factors Conducive to Aircraft Icing in the United States. NACA-TN-2738, 1952. > review: NACA-TN-2738
    • Hacker, Paul T., and Dorsch, Robert G.: A Summary of Meteorological Conditions Associated with Aircraft Icing and a Proposed Method of Selecting Design Criterions for Ice-Protection Equipment. NACA-TN-2569, 1951.
      > review: NACA-TN-2569
    • Jones, Alun R., and Lewis, William: Recommended Values of Meteorological Factors to be Considered in the Design of Aircraft Ice-Prevention Equipment. NACA-TN-1855, 1949.
      > review: NACA-TN-1855
    • Kline, Dwight B.: Investigation of Meteorological Conditions Associated with Aircraft Icing in Layer-Type Clouds for 1947-48 Winter. NACA-TN-1793, 1949.
      > review: NACA-TN-1793
    • Kline, Dwight B., and Walker, Joseph A.: Meteorological Analysis of Icing Conditions Encountered in Low-Altitude Stratiform Clouds. NACA-TN-2306, 1951.
      > review: NACA-TN-2306
    • Lewis, William: Icing Properties of Noncyclonic Winter Stratus Clouds. NACA-TN-1391, 1947.
      > review: NACA-TN-1391
    • Lewis, William, and Hoecker, Walter H., Jr.: Observations of Icing Conditions Encountered in Flight During 1948. NACA-TN-1904, 1949.
      > review: NACA-TN-1904
    • Lewis, William, Kline, Dwight B., and Steinmetz, Charles P.: A Further Investigation of the Meteorological Conditions Conducive to Aircraft Icing. NACA-TN-1424, 1947.
      > review: NACA-TN-1424
    • Perkins, Porter J.: Preliminary Survey of Icing Conditions Measured During Routine Transcontinental Airline Operation. NACA-RM-E52J06, 1952.
      > review: Meteorology publications by Porter Perkins
    • Perkins, Porter J.: Statistical Survey of Icing Data Measured on Scheduled Airline Flights over the United States and Canada from November 1951 to June 1952. NACA-RM-E55F28a, 1955.
      > review: Meteorology publications by Porter Perkins
    • Perkins, Porter J.: Icing Frequencies Experienced During Climb and Descent by Fighter-Interceptor Aircraft. NACA-TN-4314, 1958.
      > review: Meteorology publications by Porter Perkins
    • Perkins, Porter J., and Kline, Dwight B.: Analysis of Meteorological Data Obtained During Flight in a Supercooled Stratiform Clouds of High Liquid-Water Content. NACA-RM-E51D18, 1951.
      > review: Meteorology publications by Porter Perkins
    • Perkins, Porter J., Lewis, William, and Mulholland, Donald R.: Statistical Study of Aircraft Icing Probabilities at the 700- and 500- Millibar Levels over Ocean Areas in the Northern Hemisphere. NACA-TN-3984, 1957.
      > review: Meteorology publications by Porter Perkins
    • Perkins, Porter J.: Summary of Statistical Icing Cloud Data Measured Over United States and North Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans During Routine Aircraft Operations. NASA Memo 1-19-59E, 1959.
      > review: Meteorology publications by Porter Perkins
  • Fundamental Properties of Water

    • Levine, Joseph: Statistical Explanation of Spontaneous Freezing of Water Droplets. NACA-TN-2234, 1950.
      > review: NACA-TN-2234
    • Dorsch, Robert G., and Hacker, Paul T.: Photomicrographic Investigation of Spontaneous Freezing Temperatures of Supercooled Water Droplets. NACA-TN-2142, 1950.
      > review: NACA-TN-2142
    • Hacker, Paul T.: Experimental Values of the Surface Tension of Supercooled Water. NACA-TN-2510, 1951.
      > review: NACA-TN-2510
    • Dorsch, Robert G., and Boyd, Bemrose: X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Internal Structure of Supercooled Water. NACA-TN-2532, 1951.
      > review: NACA-TN-2532
    • Dorsch, Robert G., and Levine, Joseph: A Photographic Study of Freezing of Water Droplets Falling Freely in Air. NACA-RM-E51L17, 1952.
      > review: NACA-RM-E51L17
    • Lowell, Herman H.: Maximum Evaporation Rates of Water Droplets Approaching Obstacles the Atmosphere under Icing Conditions. NACA-TN-3024, 1953
      > review: NACA-TN-3024, NACA-TN-3024 Evaporation
    • Hardy, J. K.: Kinetic Temperature of Wet Surfaces A Method of Calculating the Amount of Alcohol Required to Prevent Ice, and the Derivation of the Psychrometric Equation. NACA-ARR-5G13, 1945.
      > review: NACA-ARR-5G13
  • Meteorological Instruments

    • Brun, Rinaldo J., Serafini, John S., and Moshos, George J.: Impingement of Water Droplets on an NACA 651-212 Airfoil at an Angle of Attack of 4°. NACA-RM-E52B12, 1952.
      > review: Heated Probes
    • Lewis, William, Perkins, Porter J., and Brun, Rinaldo J.: Procedure for Measuring Liquid-Water Content and Droplet Sizes in Super-cooled Clouds by Rotating Multicylinder Method. NACA-RM-E53D23, 1953.
      > review: NACA-RM-E53D23
    • McCullough, Stuart, and Perkins, Porter J.: Flight Camera for Photographing Cloud Droplets in Natural Suspension in the Atmosphere. NACA-RM-E50K01a, 1951.
      > review: Water drop imaging
    • Perkins, Porter J.: Flight Instrument for Measurement of Liquid-Water Content in Clouds at Temperatures Above and Below Freezing. NACA-RM-E50J12a, 1951.
      > review: Heated probes
    • Perkins, Porter J., McCullough, Stuart, and Lewis, Ralph D.: A Simplified Instrument for Recording and Indicating Frequency and Intensity of Icing Conditions Encountered in Flight. NACA-RM-E51E16, 1951.
      > review: NACA-RM-E51E16
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., Levine, Joseph, and Kleinknecht, Kenneth S.: An Instrument Employing a Coronal Discharge for the Determination of Droplet-Size Distribution in Clouds. NACA-TN-2458, 1951.
      > review: NACA-TN-2458
    • Levine, Joseph, and Kleinknecht, Kenneth S.: Adaptation of a Cascade Impactor to Flight Measurement of Droplet Size in Clouds. NACA-RM-E51G05, 1951.
      > review: Water drop imaging
    • Howell, Wallace E.: Comparison of Three Multicylinder Icing Meters and Critique of Multicylinder Method. NACA-TN-2708, 1952.
      > review: NACA-TN-2708
    • Jones, Alun R., and Lewis, William: A Review of Instruments Developed for the Measurement of the Meteorological Factors Conducive to Aircraft Icing. NACA-RM-A9C09, 1949
      > review: NACA-RM-A9C09, NACA-RM-A9C09 Instruments
    • Neel, Carr B., Jr.: A Heated-Wire Liquid-Water-Content Instrument and Results of Initial Flight Tests in Icing Conditions. NACA-RM-A54I23, 1955.
      > review: Heated probes
    • Hacker, Paul T.: An Oil-Stream Photomicrographic Aeroscope for Obtaining Cloud Liquid-Water Content and Droplet Size Distribution in Flight. NACA-TN-3592, 1956.
      > review: Water drop imaging
    • Bergrun, Norman R.: An Empirical Method Permitting Rapid Determination of the Area, Rate, and Distribution of Water-Drop Impingement on an Airfoil of Arbitrary Section at Subsonic Speeds. NACA-TN-2476, 1951.
      > review: Airfoil impingement drop distribution
    • Bergrun, Norman R.: A Method for Numerically Calculating the Area and Distribution of Water Impingement on the Leading Edge of an Airfoil in a Cloud. NACA-TN-1397, 1947.
      > review: Airfoil impingement drop distribution
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., Serafini, John S., and Moshos, George J.: Impingement of Water Droplets on an NACA 651-212 Airfoil at an Angle of Attack of 4°. NACA-RM-E52B12, 1952.
      > review: Airfoil impingement drop distribution
  • Impingement of Cloud Droplets

    • Hacker, Paul T., Brun, Rinaldo J., and Boyd, Bemrose: Impingement of Droplets in 90° Elbows with Potential Flow. NACA-TN-2999, 1953.
      > review: Impingement in Elbows and Ducts
    • Serafini, John S.: Impingement of Water Droplets on Wedges and Double-Wedge Airfoils at Supersonic Speeds. NACA-TR-1159, 1954. (Supersedes NACA-TN-2971.)
      > review: Airfoils
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., Gallagher, Helen M., and Vogt, Dorothea E.: Impingement of Water Droplets on NACA 65A004 Airfoil and Effect of Change in Airfoil Thickness from 12 to 4 Percent at 4° Angle of Attack. NACA-TN-3047, 1953.
      > review: Airfoils
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., Gallagher, Helen M., and Vogt, Dorothea E.: Impingement of Water Droplets on NACA 651-208 and 651-212 Airfoils at 4° Angle of Attack. NACA-TN-2952, 1953.
      > review: Airfoils
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., and Mergler, Harry W.: Impingement of Water Droplets on a Cylinder in an Incompressible Flow Field and Evaluation of Rotating Multicylinder Method for Measurement of Droplet-Size Distribution, Volume-Median Droplet Size, and Liquid-Water Content in Clouds. NACA-TN-2904, 1953.
      > review: NACA-TN-2904
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., Serafini, John S., and Gallagher, Helen M.: Impingement of Cloud Droplets on Aerodynamic Bodies as Affected by Compressibility of Air Flow Around the Body. NACA-TN-2903, 1953.
      > review: NACA-TN-2903
    • Guibert, A. G., Janssen, E., and Robbins, W. M.: Determination of Rate, Area, and Distribution of Impingement of Waterdrops on Various Airfoils from Trajectories Obtained on the Differential Analyzer. NACA-RM-A905, 1949.
      > review: Airfoils
    • Dorsch, Robert G., and Brun, Rinaldo J.: A Method for Determining Cloud-Droplet Impingement on Swept Wings. NACA-TN-2931, 1953.
      > review: Airfoils
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., and Dorsch, Robert G.: Impingement of Water Droplets on an Ellipsoid with Fineness Ratio 10 in Axisymmetric Flow. NACA-TN-3147, 1954.
      > review: Bodies of Revolution
    • Dorsch, Robert G., Brun, Rinaldo J., and Gregg, John L.: Impingement of Water Droplets on an Ellipsoid with Fineness Ratio 5 in Axisymmetric Flow. NACA-TN-3099, 1954.
      > review: Bodies of Revolution
    • Dorsch, Robert G., and Brun, Rinaldo J.: Variation of Local Liquid-Water Concentration about an Ellipsoid of Fineness Ratio 5 Moving in a Droplet Field. NACA-TN-3153, 1954.
      > review: Shadow Zones and Concentration Zones
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., Gallagher, Helen M., and Vogt, Dorothea E.: Impingement of Water Droplets on NACA 65A004 Airfoil at 8° Angle of Attack. NACA-TN-3155, 1954. > review: Airfoils
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., and Dorsch, Robert G.: Variation of Local Liquid-Water Concentration about an Ellipsoid of Fineness Ratio 10 Moving in a Droplet Field. NACA-TN-3410, 1955.
      > review: Shadow Zones and Concentration Zones
    • von Glahn, Uwe H., Gelder, Thomas F., and Smyers, William H., Jr.: A Dye-Tracer Technique for Experimentally Obtaining Impingement Characteristics of Arbitrary Bodies and a Method for Determining Droplet Size Distribution. NACA-TN-3338, 1955.
      > review: NACA-TN-3338
    • Dorsch, Robert G., Saper, Paul G., and Kadow, Charles F.: Impingement of Water Droplets on a Sphere. NACA-TN-3587, 1955.
      > review: Bodies of Revolution
    • Lewis, William, and Brun, Rinaldo J.: Impingement of Water Droplets on a Rectangular Half Body in a Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow Field. NACA-TN-3658, 1956.
      > review: Impingement on Other Surfaces
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., and Vogt, Dorothea E.: Impingement of Water Droplets on NACA 65A004 Airfoil at 0° Angle of Attack. NACA-TN-3586, 1955.
      > review: Airfoils
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., Lewis, William, Perkins, Porter J., and Serafini, John S.: Impingement of Cloud Droplets and Procedure for Measuring Liquid-Water Content and Droplet Sizes in Supercooled Clouds by Rotating Multicylinder Method. NACA-TR-1215, 1955. (Supersedes NACA TN’s 2903, 2904, and NACA-RM-E53D23)
      > review: NACA-TR-1215, NACA-TR-1215 Thermodynamics
    • Brun, Rinaldo J.: Cloud-Droplet Ingestion in Engine Inlets with Inlet Velocity Ratios of 1_0 and 0_7. NACA-TR-1317 (supersedes NACA-TN-3593), 1956. > review: Impingement in Engine Inlets
    • Gelder, Thomas F.: Droplet Impingement and Ingestion by Supersonic Nose Inlet in Subsonic Tunnel Conditions. NACA-TN-4268, 1958.
      > review: Impingement in Engine Inlets
    • Gelder, Thomas F., Smyers, William H., Jr., and von Glahn, Uwe H.: Experimental Droplet Impingement on Several Two-Dimensional Airfoils with Thickness Ratios of 6 to 16 Percent. NACA-TN-3839, 1956.
      > review: Airfoils
    • Hacker, Paul T., Saper, Paul G., and Kadow, Charles F.: Impingement of Droplets in 60° Elbows with Potential Flow. NACA-TN-3770, 1956.
      > review: Impingement in Elbows and Ducts
    • Lewis, James P., and Ruggeri, Robert S.: Experimental Droplet Impingement on Four Bodies of Revolution. NACA-TN-4092, 1957.
      > review: Bodies of Revolution
    • Brun, Rinaldo J., and Vogt, Dorothea E.: Impingement of Cloud Droplets on 36_5-Percent-Thick Joukowski Airfoil at Zero Angle of Attack and Discussion of Use as Cloud Measuring Instrument in Dye-Tracer Technique. NACA-TN-4035, 1957.
      > review: Airfoils
    • von Glahn, Uwe H.: Use of Truncated Flapped Airfoils for Impingement and Icing Tests of Full-Scale Leading-Edge Sections. NACA-RM-E56E11, 1956.
      > review: Scaling in NACA tests
  • Propeller Ice Protection

    • Darsow, John F., and Selna, James: A Flight Investigation of the Thermal Performance of an Air-Heated Propeller. NACA-TN-1178, 1947.
      > review: NACA-TN-1178
    • Lewis, James P., and Stevens, Howard C., Jr.: Icing and De-Icing of a Propeller with Internal Electric Blade Heaters. NACA-TN-1691, 1948.
      > mention: Electrothermal Ice Protection
    • Lewis, James P.: De-Icing Effectiveness of External Electric Heaters for Propeller Blades. NACA-TN-1520, 1948.
      > mention: Electrothermal Ice Protection
    • Perkins, Porter J., and Millenson, Morton B.: An Electric Meter Suitable for Flight Investigation of Propellers. NACA-RM-E9C17, 1949.
      > review: Propeller publications by Porter Perkins
    • Mulholland, Donald R., and Perkins, Porter J.: Investigation of Effectiveness of Air-Heating a Hollow Steel Propeller for Protection against Icing, I - Unpartitioned Blades. NACA-TN-1586, 1948.
      > review: Propeller publications by Porter Perkins
    • Perkins, Porter J., and Mulholland, Donald R.: Investigation of Effectiveness of Air-Heating a Hollow Steel Propeller for Protection against Icing, II- 50-Percent Partitioned Blades. NACA-TN-1587, 1948.
      > review: Propeller publications by Porter Perkins
    • Mulholland, Donald R., and Perkins, Porter J.: Investigation of Effectiveness of Air-Heating a Hollow Steel Propeller for Protection against Icing, III - 25-Percent Partitioned Blades. NACA-TN-1588, 1948.
      > review: Propeller publications by Porter Perkins
    • Gray, Vernon H., and Campbell, B. G.: A Method for Estimating Heat Requirements for Ice Prevention on Gas-Heated Hollow Propeller Blades. NACA-TN-1494, 1947.
      > mention: Compressed air heat
    • Neel, Carr B., Jr.: An Investigation Utilizing an Electrical Analogue of Cyclic De-Icing of a Hollow Steel Propeller with an External Blade Shoe. NACA-TN-2852, 1952.
      > review: Electrothermal Ice Protection
    • Neel, Carr B., Jr.: An Investigation Utilizing an Electrical Analogue of Cyclic De-Icing of a Hollow Steel Propeller with Internal Electric Heaters. NACA-TN-3025, 1953.
      > mention: Electrothermal Ice Protection
    • Neel, Carr B., Jr., and Bright, Loren G.: The Effect of Ice Formations on Propeller Performance. NACA-TN-2212, 1950.
      > review: NACA-TN-2212
  • Induction System Ice Protection

  • Turbine-Type Engine and Inlet Icing Studies

    • Acker, Loren W.: Natural Icing of an Axial-Flow Turbojet Engine in Flight for a Single Icing Condition. NACA-RM-E8F01a, 1948.
      > review: NACA-RM-E8F01a
    • Acker, Loren W.: Preliminary Results of Natural Icing of an Axial-Flow Turbojet Engine. NACA-RM-E8C18, 1948.
      > review: NACA-RM-E8C18
    • Gray, Vernon H., and Bowden, Dean T.: Icing Characteristics and Anti-Icing Heat Requirements for Hollow and Internally Modified Gas-Heated Inlet Guide Vanes. NACA-RM-E50I08, 1950.
      > review: NACA-RM-E50I08
    • Lewis, James P., and Ruggeri, Robert S.: Investigation of Heat Transfer from a Stationary and Rotating Ellipsoidal Forebody of Fineness Ratio 3. NACA-TN-3837, 1956.
      > review: NACA-TN-3837
    • Ruggeri, Robert S., and Lewis, James P.: Investigation of Heat Transfer from a Stationary and Rotating Conical Forebody. NACA-TN-4093, October 1, 1955.
      > review: NACA-TN-4093
    • von Glahn, Uwe H., Callaghan, Edmund E., and Gray, Vernon H.: NACA Investigations of Icing-Protection Systems for Turbojet-Engine Installations. NACA-RM-E51B12, 1951.
      > review: NACA-RM-E51B12
    • Gelder, Thomas F.: Total Pressure Distortion and Recovery of Supersonic Nose Inlet with Conical Centerbody in Subsonic Icing Conditions. NACA-RM-E57G09, 1957.
      > review: NACA-RM-E57G09
    • von Glahn, Uwe H., and Blatz, Robert E.: Investigation of Aerodynamic and Icing Characteristics of Water-Inertia-Separation Inlets for Turbojet Engines. NACA-RM-E50E03, 1950.
      > review: NACA-RM-E50E03
  • Wing Ice Protection

    • Hardy, J. K.: An Analysis of the Dissipation of Heat in Conditions of Icing from a Section of the Wing of the C-46 Airplane. NACA-TR-831, 1945. (Formerly NACA-ARR-4I11a.)
      > review: NACA-TR-831
    • Neel, Carr B., Jr., Bergrun, Norman R., Jukoff, David, and Schlaff, Bernard A.: The Calculation of the Heat Required for Wing Thermal Ice Prevention in Specified Icing Conditions. NACA-TN-1472, 1947.
      > review: NACA-TN-1472
    • Gray, Vernon H., Bowden, Dean T., and von Glahn, Uwe H.: Preliminary Results of Cyclical De-icing of a Gas-Heated Airfoil. NACA-RM-E51J29, 1952.
      > review: Compressed air heat
    • Lewis, James P., and Bowden, Dean T.: Preliminary Investigation of Cyclic De-Icing of an Airfoil Using an External Electric Heater. NACA-RM-E51J30, 1952.
      > review: Electrothermal Ice Protection
    • Gelder, Thomas F., and Lewis, James P.: Comparison of Heat Transfer from Airfoil in Natural and Simulated Icing Conditions. NACA-TN-2480, 1951.
      > review: Thermal Analysis and Surface Wettedness
    • Callaghan, Edmund E., and Serafini, John S.: A Method for Rapid Determination of the Icing Limit of a Body in Terms of the Stream Conditions. NACA-TN-2914, 1953.
      > review: NACA-TN-2914
    • Callaghan, Edmund E., and Serafini, John S.: Analytical Investigation of Icing Limit for Diamond Shaped Airfoil in Transonic and Supersonic Flow. NACA-TN-2861, 1953.
      > review: NACA-TN-2914 (combined review with NACA-TN-2914)
    • Ruggeri, Robert S.: De-Icing and Runback Characteristics of Three Cyclic Electric, External Deicing Boots Employing Chordwise Shedding. NACA-RM-E53C26, 1953.
      > review: Electrothermal Ice Protection
    • Gray, Vernon H., and Bowden, Dean T.: Comparison of Several Methods of Cyclic De-Icing of a Gas-Heated Airfoil. NACA-RM-E53C27, 1953.
      > review: NACA-RM-E53C27
      > mention: Compressed air heat
    • Neel, Carr B., Jr.: The Design of Air-Heated Ice-Prevention Systems. (Presented at the Airplane Icing Information Course the University of Michigan, April 1953). NACA-TN-3130, 1954.
      > review: Design Manuals
    • Bowden, Dean T.: Investigation of Porous Gas-Heated Leading-Edge Section for Icing Protection of a Delta Wing. NACA-RM-E54I03, 1955.
      > review: NACA-RM-E54I03
      > mention: Compressed air heat
    • Gray, Vernon H., and von Glahn, Uwe H.: Heat Requirements for Ice Protection of a Cyclically Gas-Heated, 36 Swept Airfoil with Partial-Span Leading-Edge Slat. NACA-RM-E56B23, 1956.
      > review: NACA-RM-E56B23
      > mention: Compressed air heat
    • Gowan, W. H., Jr., and Mulholland, Donald R.: Effectiveness of Thermal-Pneumatic Airfoil-Ice-Protection System. NACA-RM-E50K10a, 1951.
      > review: Deicing boots and ice adhesion
  • Performance Penalties

    • von Glahn, Uwe H., and Gray, Vernon H.: Effect of Ice Formations on Section Drag of Swept NACA 63A-009 Airfoil with Partial-Span Leading-Edge Slat for Various Modes of Thermal Ice Protection. NACA-RM-E53J30, 1954.
      > review: NACA-RM-E53J30
    • Gray, Vernon H., and von Glahn, Uwe H.: Effect of Ice and Frost Formations on Drag of NACA 651-212 Airfoil for Various Modes of Thermal Ice Protection. NACA-TN-2962, 1953.
      > review: NACA-TN-2962
    • Preston, G. Merritt, and Blackman, Calvin C.: Effects of Ice Formations on Airplane Performance in Level Cruising Flight. NACA-TN-1598, 1948.
      > review: NACA-TN-1598
    • Gelder, Thomas F., Lewis, James P., and Koutz, Stanley L.: Icing Protection for a Turbojet Transport Airplane: Heating Requirements, Methods of Protection, and Performance Penalties. NACA-TN-2866, 1953.
      > review: Compressed air heat
    • Bowden, Dean T.: Effect of Pneumatic De-Icers and Ice Formations on Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Airfoil. NACA-TN-3564, 1956.
      > review: Deicing boots and ice adhesion
    • Gray, Vernon H.: Correlations Among Ice Measurements, Impingement Rates, Icing Conditions and Drag Coefficients for an Unswept NACA 65A004 Airfoil. NACA-TN-4151, 1958.
      > review: NACA-TN-4151
    • Gray, Vernon H., and von Glahn, Uwe H.: Aerodynamic Effects Caused by Icing of an Unswept NACA 65A004 Airfoil. NACA-TN-4155, 1958.
      > review: NACA-TN-4155
    • Gray, Vernon H.: Prediction of Aerodynamic Penalties Caused by Ice Formations on Various Airfoils. NASA-TM-D-2166, 1964.
      > review: NASA-TM-D-2166
  • Windshield Ice Protection

    • Jones, Alun R., Holdaway, George H., and Steinmetz, Charles P.: A Method for Calculating the Heat Required for Windshield Thermal Ice Prevention Based on Extensive Flight Tests in Natural—Icing Conditions. NACA-TN-1434, 1947.
      > review: windshield ice protection
    • Ruggeri, Robert S.: Preliminary Data on Rain Deflection from Aircraft Windshields by Means of High Velocity Jet-Air Blast. NACA-RM-E55E17a, July 25, 1955.
      > review: NACA-RM-E55E17a
  • Cooling Fan Ice Protection

  • Radome Icing Protection

    • Lewis, James P.: An Analytical Study of Heat Requirements for Icing Protection of Radomes. NACA-RM-E53A22, 1953.
      > review: NACA-RM-E53A22
    • Lewis, James P., and Blade, Robert J.: Experimental Investigation of Radome Icing and Icing Protection. NACA-RM-E52J31, 1953.
      > review: Component Icing
  • Antenna icing

    • Kepple, W. L.: Determination of Aircraft Antenna Loads Produced by Natural Icing Conditions. NACA-RM-E7H26a, 1948.
      > review: NACA-RM-E7H26a
    • Gowan, W. H., Jr.: Vibration and Investigation of CAA Type V-I09 Very-High-Frequency Aircraft Antenna. NACA-RM-SE9D20. 1949.
      > review: NACA-RM-SE9D20
  • Inlet and Vent Icing Protection

    • Ruggeri, Robert S., von Glahn, Uwe H., and Rollin, Vern G.: Investigation of Aerodynamic and Icing Characteristics of Recessed Fuel-Vent Configurations. NACA-TN-1789, 1949.
      > review: Component Icing
  • Jet Penetration

    • Callaghan, Edmund E., and Ruggeri, Robert S.: Investigation of the Penetration of an Air Jet Directed Perpendicularly to an Air Stream. NACA-TN-1615, 1948.
      > review: NACA-TN-1615
    • Ruggeri, Robert S., Callaghan, Edmund E., and Bowden, Dean T.: Penetration of Air Jets Issuing from Circular, Square, and Elliptical Orifices Directed Perpendicularly to an Air Stream. NACA-TN-2019, 1950.
      > review: NACA-TN-2019
    • Callaghan, Edmund E., and Bowden, Dean T.: Investigation of Flow Coefficient of Circular, Square, and Elliptical Orifices at High Pressure Ratios. NACA-TN-1947, 1949.
      > review: NACA-TN-1947
    • Ruggeri, Robert S.: General Correlation of Temperature Profiles Downstream of Heated Air Jet Directed at Various Angles to Airstream. NACA-TN-2855, 1952.
      > review: NACA-TN-2855
    • Callaghan, Edmund E., and Ruggeri, Robert S.: A General Correlation of Temperature Profiles Downstream of a Heated-Air Jet Directed Perpendicularly to an Airstream. NACA-TN-2466, 1951.
      > review: NACA-TN-2466
  • Heat Transfer

  • Miscellaneous

    • Gray, Vernon H.: Correlation of Airfoil Ice Formations and Their Aerodynamic Effects With Impingement and Flight Conditions. SAE preprint No. 225 (paper presented at SAE National Aeronautics Meeting), October 1957.
      > review: SAE preprint No. 225
    • von Glahn, Uwe H.: The Icing Problem, presented at Ottawa AGARD Conference. AG 19/P9, June 10-17 1955.
      > review: The Icing Problem
    • von Glahn, Uwe H.: Some Considerations of the Need for Icing Protection of High-Speed, High-Altitude Airplanes NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation. NASA-TM-82265, 1954.
      > review: Considerations of the Need for Icing
    • Lewis, William, and Perkins, Porter J.: A Flight Evaluation and Analysis of the Effect of Icing Conditions on the PG-2 Airship. NACA-TN-4220, 1958.
      > review: Airships
    • von Glahn, Uwe H.: Icing Conditions to be Expected in Operation of High-Speed, High-Altitude Airplanes NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation. NASA-TM-82265, 1954.
      > review: High-Speed, High-Altitude Airplanes
    • Anon.: NACA Conference on Aircraft Ice Prevention A Compilation of Papers Presented by NACA Staff Members. 6505/NACA-1947/8, 1947.
      > review: NACA Conference on Aircraft Ice Prevention
    • Gray, Vernon H.: Heat Requirements for Ice Prevention on Gas-Heated Propellers. SAE preprint No. 424 (paper presented at SAE Annual Meeting, 1950), 1950.
      > The NTRS link does not have a download available.
      > It is available for purchase from the SAE.
      > mention: Compressed air heat
    • Bowden, D. T., Gensemer, A. E., and Speen, C. A.: Engineering Summary of Airframe Icing Technical Data. Federal Aviation Agency, FAA-ADS-4, 1964.
      > review: FAA-ADS-4, Design Manuals


  1. "Selected Bibliography of Unclassified NACA-NASA Aircraft Icing Reports" in "Aircraft Ice Protection", the report of a symposium held April 28-30, 1969, by the FAA Flight Standards Service;
    Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 20590.

  2. FAA Advisory Circular AC No. 20-73: Aircraft Ice Protection. April 21, 1971. 

  3. FAA Advisory Circular AC No. 20-73A: Aircraft Ice Protection. August 16, 2006. 

  4. Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Aircraft Icing Publications, NASA-TM-81651, August, 1981. 

  5. von Glahn, Uwe H.: The Icing Problem, presented at Ottawa AGARD Conference. AG 19/P9, June 10-17 1955. 

  6. National Technical Reports Server, 
