Articles with tag: "about"

(Note: figures do not appear in the summaries below)
  1. Achievements of the NACA Era

    Published: Tue 14 January 2025
    Updated: Sat 08 February 2025

    tags: about

    "it shall be the duty of the advisory committee for aeronautics to supervise and direct the scientific study of the problems of flight with a view to their practical solution"

    NACA credo.

    For most of the reviews of the NACA-era aircraft icing publications, I have tried to be neutral about whether one is "better" than another (they all have merit), except for noting how often they were cited and used later. This may have de-emphasized some of the biggest achievements, which are often not contained in just one publication.

    NACA did not invent several of these items. NACA did find good ideas from many sources, and collaborated with industry, academia, and other government entities. They fulfilled their mission statement several times.

    ... it shall be the duty of the advisory committee for aeronautics to supervise and direct the scientific study of the problems of flight with a view to …

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  2. Prepping for the third anniversary

    Published: Mon 02 December 2024
    Updated: Mon 02 December 2024

    tags: about

    The team is working furiously to complete reviews of all 132 publications from the "Historical Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Icing Publications" by the third anniversary of on January 15, 2025.

    1942 linotype operators. Five people seated at large machines with complex keyboards.
    Linotype operators circa 1942. Public Domain Library of Congress.

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  3. Introducing The Basics of Aircraft Icing

    "The least that you need to know"

    A Venn diagram with The Basics as a subset of Icing, and overlapping a little with Aerodynamics.
    Public domain image by Donald Cook


    The Basics introduce core concepts and vocabulary of aircraft icing with images, "the least that you need to know".


    The Basics seek to facilitate initial learning about aircraft icing by:

    • focus on the needs of beginning learners
    • readily connecting to other resources for further learning
    • maximizing reuse
    • maximizing access

    Other sources may not do these well.


    One of the most-read posts that I have written was A Gentle Introduction to Aircraft Icing, so I think that there is interest in this topic.

    My learning experience

    I got a MSME degree from the University of Wisconsin Internal Combustion Engine lab. That prepared me well for some aspects of aircraft icing (heat transfer, thermodynamics, drop physics, computational fluid dynamics). However, that by itself was not enough.

    When I started in an Aircraft Systems design group, it …

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  4. The Blast from the Past Newsletter

    Published: Sat 30 September 2023
    Updated: Tue 01 October 2024

    tags: about

    “The greatest of all our problems is ice.”

    "The situation changed in the mid-1920s when the intrepid aviators of the U.S. Air Mail Service attempted to maintain scheduled day-and-night operations between New York and Chicago... As one of their pilots noted at the time about the hazards of the New York-Chicago route, “the greatest of all our problems is ice.”" 1

    Figure 2 from NACA-TN-313. Sketches of ice formation on wings and wires. (From notes and sketches on numerous flights.)
    From NACA-TN-313, 1929. 2


    To subscribe to the newsletter: Subscribe! (via


    I have an email newsletter with the latest posts and other site-related news, which you can receive regardless of the weather. Another advantage of subscribing to the newsletter is access to the secret* blog drafts that are in-work, before the public sees them, and access to the secret* newsletter archives. There is no cost to subscribe.

    [* Well, not so secret if one is acquainted with github.]

    Typical publishing sequence:

    • email newsletter, subscribers may …
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  5. Site Improvements

    Published: Sat 16 September 2023
    Updated: Tue 01 October 2024

    tags: about

    "I am surprised to find that there are so many details which have not been anticipated before ..."

    Reported in "Lew Rodert, Epistemological Liaison, and Thermal De-Icing at Ames". 1

    Mastodon logo, a stylized pachyderm with a letter M.


    Since I started "Blast from the Past: NACA Icing Publications" 20 months ago, I have made over 100 posts. I have extensively revised some, and made improvements to all of them, so it is time to repost them.

    I will be posting links and short summaries to them in the original sequence on mastodon at a rate of three per week (about the pace that I originally posted them), so it will take almost a year to cycle through them. And I do plan on also creating new posts.

    If you want to read at you own pace, you can go to the Latest Posts tab at the top of the page for the complete list of …

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  6. Ideas for future posts

    Published: Thu 20 April 2023
    Updated: Wed 12 February 2025

    tags: about

    "... Before attacking what appeared to be a new icing problem we should study the icing work of the 1940's and 50's." 1

    Figure 15 of NACA-TN-2904. Water-drop-trajectory analog.
Two investigators operate a large mechanical computer. 
One is seated turning a crank attached to a large cylinder labeled "Input Chart". 
The second operator turns another input chart crank. 
Another cylinder is labeled "Droplet Trajectories". 
There are many shafts and gears visible in the machine. 
Some machine parts are labeled with the differential equations of motion being solved.
    From NACA-TN-2904


    I have made this blog up as I went along. I have a general plan to cover all 132 icing publications in the "Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Aircraft Icing Publications", but I also find other interesting, related items along the way.

    Future topic possibilities include:

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  7. A Gentle Introduction to Aircraft Icing

    Published: Fri 25 November 2022
    Updated: Tue 01 October 2024

    tags: about

    "Icing is as close to pure witchcraft engineering as you can get."

    Thomas S. on LinkedIn.

    Figure 13 of NACA-TN-1598. Formation of ice on horizontal stabilizer.
Average icing rate, 4 inches per hour; liquid-water content,
0.4 grams per cubic meter; drop size, 17 microns. (Painted stripes are
1 in. wide) Figure 13 of NACA-TN-1598. Formation of ice from flight on horizontal stabilizer. Average icing rate, 4 inches per hour; liquid-water content, 0.4 grams per cubic meter; drop size, 17 microns. (Painted stripes are 1 inch wide, indicating an ice thickness of about 2 inches.)


    This website was written with people in mind (engineers, aerodynamicists) who already know something about aircraft and aircraft icing.

    To make it a little more understandable to others, I summarize here the assumed common knowledge, with a few of the key technical terms.


    Airplanes require lift from the wings in order to fly. This lift is produced due to details of the air flowing over the well-shaped wing.

    Ice may form on airplanes in flight in certain weather conditions. The ice changes the shape of the wing …

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  8. Site Navigation and Suggested Reading Order

    Published: Thu 21 July 2022
    Updated: Mon 03 February 2025

    tags: about

    "There is no order in the world around us, we must adapt ourselves to the requirements of chaos instead."

    Attributed to Kurt Vonnegut. For some more information about Kurt and his brother Bernard, see Supercooled Clouds.

    Several people using a library. 
Many are seated at tables reading books. 
There are book shelves, file cabinets for index cards, 
and a microfische reader.
    NACA Cleveland library, circa 1945.


    There are over 100 articles on this website. Here is a guide to get to what you are interested in.

    NACA-era icing publication reviews *

    (* Well, mostly, a few post-NACA era ones are mixed in.)

    This is the main focus of the blog, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics publications on aircraft icing, 1915 to 1958.

    There are 132 publications in The Historical Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Icing Publications . (Not all of them have been reviewed yet.)

    This blog was written in "threads" or themes on topics. Threads will have links to several articles. It is suggested, but not required, to read the articles in the order below.

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  9. A Brief Digression on Unit Systems

    "I'm burning through the sky, yeah. Two hundred degrees, that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit. I'm travelling at the speed of light."

    from Queen, "Don't Stop Me Now".

    The interior of a modified B-29 bomber used to determine what conditions cause ice to form on wings and aircraft surfaces. 
An investigator wearing headphones, an oxygen mask, a fur-lined leather jacket, and stylish patterned pants is seated in front of scale. 
There are also several dial gauges. Standard weights and other measurements in use. 1


    The unit system used herein is detailed.

    Preferred units (primary SI units):

        mass: kg
        force: N
        length: m
        tk: temperature, K
        time: seconds, s
        p: air static pressure, Pa (N/m^2)
        u: free-stream air speed, m/s
        altitude: pressure altitude, m
        energy: J or N-m

    Icing specific, entrenched exceptions:

        d_drop: water drop diameter, micrometer (1e-6 m)
        lwc: liquid water content, g/m^3

    The NACA publications systems of units

    The units in the NACA publications vaguely follow "US Customary" units, although there are often exceptions:

        mass: g, kg, lbm, slug
        force: N, lbf
        length: micron, inch, foot, mile, nautical mile
        temperature: F, R
        time: s, hour
        air static pressure, lbf …
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  10. Welcome

    Published: Sat 15 January 2022
    Updated: Tue 04 February 2025

    tags: introduction

    “If you want to go somewhere, it’s best to find someone who has already been there” Robert Kiyosaki

    A C-46, a large two engine, propeller driven low-wing airplane. It is modified for icing flight test, with a large (8 ft. by 5 ft.) test airfoil is mounted on top of the body. 'TEST' is emblazened on the tail.

    Many new aircraft icing problems aren’t new at all. Like excavating a lost city, many surprises, answers to problems, road maps, and confirmations can be found in the work of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). This treasure trove of data can help you today.

    Why care about aircraft icing? If ice forms on a plane during flight, it can be hazardous. Engineers research the weather conditions aircraft will encounter and work to ensure that they can navigate them safely.

    What you will find here

    On this website, I make selected NACA publications easily accessible to you. I have read thousands of pages so that you do not have to.

    I summarize each paper for you with:
    - a quote from the paper
    - a one-line summary
    - the …

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