"... Before attacking what appeared to be a new icing problem we should study the icing work of the 1940's and 50's." 1
From NACA-TN-2904
I have made this blog up as I went along. I have a general plan to cover all 132 icing publications in the "Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Aircraft Icing Publications", but I also find other interesting, related items along the way.
Future topic possibilities include:
- Water drop impingement (there are 20 publications in the "Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Aircraft Icing Publications" that I have not yet gotten to).
The University of Michigan 1953 Airplane Icing Information Course. A "Greatest Thing That You (Probably) Have Never Read" candidate.
Accomplished! Thread: The University of Michigan Airplane Icing Information Course, 1953
NACA Conference on Aircraft Ice Prevention A Compilation of Papers Presented by NACA Staff Members. 6505/NACA-1947/8, 1947.
This is available at DTIC. - Project Cirrus, Final Report, 1948. Weather control, anyone?
- Mazin, I. P., 1957: The Physical Principles of Aircraft Icing (in Russian). Gidrometeoizdat, 120 pp.
A translation to English is available at apps.dtic.mil - Let's build YA2DISCuP (Yet Another 2D Ice Shape Calculation Program)
If you particularly like one of those, or have a suggestion of your own, please contact me (contact options shown below under "social").