Articles with tag: "impingement"

(Note: figures do not appear in the summaries below)
  1. Water Drops

    Published: Mon 12 February 2024
    Updated: Tue 17 September 2024

    The size of water drops in clouds

    The water that causes most aircraft in-flight icing is small drops in clouds. Average drop sizes are typically 10 to 50 "Micrometers" (μm) in diameter (for comparison, a human hair is about 50 to 100 micrometers in diameter).

    Typical water drop sizes. Icing clouds are typically in the 10 to 50 micrometer diameter range. Drizzle is 100 micrometers and up, while rain is typically 1000 micrometers.
    Typical drop sizes, approximately proportional. Public domain image by Donald Cook.

    In a particular cloud, not all water drops are the same size. The "Langmuir Drop Size Distributions" describe an idealized approximation of how the drop sizes vary in a cloud about an average or median drop size. It has seven bins, each with a representative drop size and fraction of the total water content in the cloud.

    from "Aircraft Icing Handbook", DOT/FAA/CT-88/8-1

    The impingement of water drops on aircraft surfaces

    Calculating the amount of water that hits or impinges on the surface of an airplane as it flies …

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  2. Conclusions of the Impingement on Surfaces thread

    Published: Mon 13 November 2023
    Updated: Tue 17 September 2024

    tags: impingement

    "It is thus desirable to have an economical method for solving the basic water droplet trajectory equations for an arbitrary airfoil." 1

    Figure 83. Ko Approximation for Representing Em

    The Use of Ko for Impingement Correlations

    The use of a modified water droplet inertia parameter Ko permits consolidation into only a few graphs of most of the published water drop trajectory data. 1

    To paraphrase NACA-TN-3839 2, the studies in this Impingement on Surfaces thread "were a rather ad hoc collection of shapes and sizes". One unifying parameter emerged to correlate the results, the "Ko" modified water drop inertia parameter.

    "Mathematical Investigation of Water Droplet Trajectories" 3

    "Mathematical Investigation of Water Droplet Trajectories" 3 defined a term Ko (see the link for definitions of other terms):

    Equation 40. Ko for a cylinder. Ko - 1/8 = lambda/lambda_s * (K - 1/8)

    Ko is not given a name, it is only defined in relation to K:

    The quantity Κ that occurs in Eqs. (4) and (5) measures the inertia of the droplet and …

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  3. A Tentative Identification of Water Drop Trajectory Investigators

    Published: Thu 09 November 2023
    Updated: Tue 17 September 2024

    tags: impingement

    NACA-TN-2094 and investigators operating the water-drop-trajectory analog

    Figure 15 of NACA-TN-2904. Water-drop-trajectory analog.
Two investigators operate a large mechanical computer. 
One is seated turning a crank attached to a large cylinder labelled "Input Chart". 
The second operator turns another input chart crank. 
Another cylinder is labelled "Droplet Trajectories". 
There are many shafts and gears visible in the machine. 
Some machine parts are labelled with the differential equations of motion being solved.
    Figure 15 of NACA-TN-2904


    While no one is identified in Figure 15 of NACA-TN-2904, I speculate that these investigators are Helen M. Gallagher, and Dorothea E. Vogt. (I do not know which name goes with which individual). While neither Gallager nor Vogt is credited in NACA-TN-2904, it is possible that they contributed to the analysis, as they did in several other water-drop trajectory publications.


    Yes, I have used this figure a lot, as it is one of the best of the hundreds I have viewed from the NACA-era. This image is also notable in that of the hundreds of NACA-era documents that I have read, this is the only one where the people appear to be women.

    I have not been able to find photos of Gallager or Vogt for comparison (and photos of any NACA-era authors are hard to find …

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  4. Impingement on Other Surfaces

    Published: Tue 07 November 2023
    Updated: Tue 17 September 2024

    tags: impingement

    "the ideal flow field ahead of a ribbon is not a very satisfactory representation of the actual flow field in front of a rectangular body"

    Figure 1. Comparison of two-dimensional flow fields. (a) Ideal flow about a ribbon. (b) Estimate flow about a rectangle. (c) Ideal flow about a rectangular half body. (d) Comparison of ideal flow about a ribbon and and rectangular half body.

    NACA-TN-3658, "Impingement of Water Droplets on a Rectangular Half Body in a Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow Field" 1


    Water-drop impingement on a rectangular body is calculated.


    Trajectories of water droplets moving in the ideal two-dimensional flow field ahead of a body of rectangular cross section and infinite extent in the downstream direction have, been calculated by means of a differential analyzer. Data on collection efficiency and distribution of water impingement are presented.


    We have already seen most of the titles on the "Impingement on Other Surfaces" topic:

    • Brun, Rinaldo J., and Mergler, Harry W.: Impingement of Water Droplets on a Cylinder in an Incompressible Flow Field and Evaluation of Rotating Multicylinder Method for Measurement of Droplet-Size Distribution, Volume-Median Droplet Size, and Liquid-Water Content …
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  5. Impingement on Airfoils

    Published: Thu 02 November 2023
    Updated: Tue 17 September 2024

    tags: impingement

    "Although the airfoils used in these studies were a rather ad hoc collection of shapes and sizes, this report makes these data generally available and correlates the data as much as possible."

    Figure 2. Airfoil sections studied with dye-tracer technique. Sections laid out in free-stream direction.
    From NACA-TN-3839.

    NACA-TN-2931, "A Method for Determining Cloud-Droplet Impingement on Swept Wings"


    NACA-TN-3839, "Experimental Droplet Impingement on Several Two-Dimensional Airfoils with Thickness Ratios of 6 to 16 Percent"


    Several airfoils were analyzed and tested for water-drop impingement in the NACA-era.


    The rate and area of cloud droplet impingement on several two-dimensional swept and unswept airfoils were obtained experimentally in the NACA Lewis icing tunnel with a dye-tracer technique. Airfoil thickness ratios of 6 to 16 percent; angles of attack from 0° to 12°, and chord sizes from 13 to 96 inches were included in the study. The data were obtained at 152 knots and are extended to other conditions by dimensionless impingement parameters.
    In general …

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  6. Impingement in Elbow Ducts

    Published: Tue 31 October 2023
    Updated: Tue 17 September 2024

    tags: impingement

    "Icing of air-intake ducts and scoops with subsequent reduction in pressure recovery and in air flow may adversely affect the operation of the aircraft."

    From NACA-TN-2999. 1

    Figure 2 of NACA-TN-3770. Elbow with some typical streamlines and droplet trajectories.

    NACA-TN-2999, "Impingement of Droplets in 90° Elbows with Potential Flow" 1


    NACA-TN-3770, "Impingement of Droplets in 60° Elbows with Potential Flow" 2


    The impingement of water-drops in idealized elbow ducts is calculated with potential flow.



    Trajectories were determined for droplets in air flowing through 90° elbows especially designed for two-dimensional potential motion with low pressure losses. The elbows were established by selecting as walls of each elbow two streamlines of the flow field produced by a complex potential function that establishes a two-dimensional flow around a 90° bend. An unlimited number of elbows with slightly different shapes can be established by selecting different pairs of streamlines as walls. The elbows produced by the complex potential function selected are suitable …

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  7. Impingement in Engine Inlets

    Published: Wed 25 October 2023
    Updated: Tue 17 September 2024

    tags: impingement

    "In spite of the simplicity, the configurations are reasonable approximation of those found on aircraft"


    Figure 1. Inlet configurations. (a) Configuration 1. Inlet velocity ratio 1.0. (b) Configuration 2. Inlet velocity ratio 0.7.
    From NACA-TR-1317.

    NACA-TR-1317, "Cloud-Droplet Ingestion in Engine Inlets with Inlet Velocity Ratios of 1.0 and 0.7."


    NACA-TN-4268, "Droplet Impingement and Ingestion by Supersonic Nose Inlet in Subsonic Tunnel Conditions."


    "Important general concepts" of impingement on engine inlets are illustrated.


    In the first title here, the use of potential flow to determine water-drop trajectories gets pushed to the limit. In a demonstration of the pragmatism that ran through much of the ice protection development at NACA, investigators produced results on configurations that could be analyzed that were close enough to real aircraft geometries.

    In NACA-TN-3770, we enter the supersonic jet age, with a dye-tracer method test of a supersonic inlet (but at a lower Mach number). We will see a test of "the configurations are reasonable approximation".


    Inlet impingement …

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  8. Shadow Zones and Concentration Zones

    Published: Tue 24 October 2023
    Updated: Tue 17 September 2024

    tags: impingement

    "... local concentration factors should be considered when choosing the location of devices that protrude into the stream from aircraft fuselages or missiles, or when determining anti-icing heat requirements for the protection of these devices."

    Figure 2. Sketch of regions of varying droplet concentration around fore part of fuselage. 
An oval cross section of an airplane nose with at thin "region of reduces or zero concentration (shadow zone)" and then a thin "region of high concentration" displaced slightly off of the surface. 
A mast further aft has no ice near the base, thick ice in the concentration zone, and thinner ice further out.
    From NACA-TN-3410.

    NACA-TN-3153, "Variation of Local Liquid-Water Concentration about an Ellipsoid of Fineness Ratio 5 Moving in a Droplet Field" 1


    NACA-TN-3410, "Variation of Local Liquid-Water Concentration about an Ellipsoid of Fineness Ratio 10 Moving in a Droplet Field" 2


    The concentration of water-drops varies with distance from a surface in flight.


    Trajectories of water droplets about an ellipsoid of revolution with a fineness ratio of 5 (which often approximates the shape of an aircraft fuselage or missile) were computed with the aid of a differential analyzer. Analyses of these trajectories indicate that the local concentration of liquid water at various points about an ellipsoid varies considerably and under some conditions may be …

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  9. Bodies of Revolution

    Published: Wed 18 October 2023
    Updated: Tue 17 September 2024

    tags: impingement

    "The presence of radomes and instruments that are sensitive to water films or ice formations in the nose section of all-weather aircraft and missiles necessitates a knowledge of the droplet impingement characteristics of bodies of revolution."


    Figure 1. Coordinate system for droplet trajectory calculations about an ellipsoid of revolution of fineness ration 5.


    Water-drop impingement on several bodies of revolution is quantified.


    NACA-TN-4092 4 notes:

    The impingement characteristics of bodies of revolution are of interest because such bodies are representative of many aircraft components subject to icing such as radomes, body noses, engine accessory housings, and the large spinners of turboprop engines.

    NACA-TN-3099 1 is the first in a series and has a rather complete description of the analysis methods, so the discussion below refers to that, unless noted otherwise.

    Flow field

    Potential flow can be determined in 2D radial coordinates as well as 2D Cartesian coordinates. This was used to assess several geometries.

    The air velocity components for incompressible nonviscous flow about a …

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  10. Methods of Water Drop Impingement Quantification

    Published: Mon 16 October 2023
    Updated: Tue 17 September 2024

    tags: impingement

    "One of the first essentials ... is a method for estimating or calculating the area over which water will strike the wing, and the distribution of water impingement over that area"

    From NACA-TN-1397.

    Figure 7 of NACA-TN-3839. Typical droplet water impingement rates on NACA 651-212 airfoil. Airspeed, 152 knots; volumetric-median droplet diameter, 16.7 microns; angle of attack, 4 degrees.
    From NACA-TN-3839.


    Several methods were used to quantify the water-drop impingement on a surface, such as a wing.


    We already saw in the Icing on Cylinders thread calculations made for impingement on a cylinder. The technique was expanded in NACA-TN-1397 to include Joukowski type airfoils. This allowed a transformation of the flow solution around a cylinder to be mapped into airfoil coordinates, and then used to solve for water drop trajectory calculations, similar to those used for cylinders.

    NACA-TN-1397 said one could calculate "the trajectory a single drop without the utilization of a differential analyzer". We saw the differential analyzer in the Icing on Cylinders thread, in particular detail in NACA-TN-2904. However, the example given (Table …

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  11. Water Drop Impingement on Surfaces

    Published: Wed 11 October 2023
    Updated: Tue 17 September 2024

    tags: impingement

    "For a complete appraisal of the problem of ice prevention on aircraft, further water-droplet impingement data are needed" 1

    Figure 5. Relationship of water-drop trajectories to streamline field about a symmetrical Joukowski airfoil 12 percent thick.
    Figure 5 of NACA-TN-1397

    Water Drop Impingement on Surfaces Thread


    Water-drop impingement quantification is key to aircraft ice protection design.


    Part of designing for aircraft icing is determining how much ice the airplane can accumulate. For ice protection systems, determining how much water that might freeze hits a surface is a key detail.

    An important effect is that the airflow around a surface such as a wing airfoil deflects water-drops, so that all of the water-drops in the frontal area view will not hit the surface.

    Water-drop impingement quantification methods were developed to assess how many drops can hit where on a surface. Direct test methods involved the use of blotter paper to absorb water drops on a surface. Mathematical analysis of the paths individual water drops were developed …

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  12. AEDC1DMP

    "The third part of the study comprised some numerical computations of two-phase, dilute, air and entrained water particle flows, using a new version of the AEDC one-dimensional, multiphase flow code, AEDC1DMP."

    Water drop velocities in an icing wind tunnel calculated with the iads1dmp code.

    The AEDC 1-Dimensional Multi-Phase code (AEDC1DMP) and the iads1dmp


    The AEDC1DMP calculates the water drop speed and evaporation in an icing wind tunnel. The AEDC1DMP is described in "Second Report for Research and Modeling of Water Particles in Adverse Weather Simulation Facilities" 1. AEDC is the Arnold Engineering Development Complex, formerly the Arnold Engineering Development Center.

    This report describes a continuation of research into the modeling of water particle freezing for application to adverse weather simulation facilities. The research was initiated in FY1996 to investigate the physics of freezing of submillimeter supercooled water particles or droplets in both natural and artificial or simulated adverse weather environments. The first phase of the research …

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  13. Let's Build a 1D Water Drop Trajectory Simulation

    Figure 1 of NACA-TN-2903, depicting a cylinder in cross flow with air flow lines and water drop trajectories impacting the cylinder

    "The discrepancies are of the magnitude to be expected from ... the step by step integration". 1

    Let's build a 1D water drop trajectory simulation


    Water impingement values on a cylinder are calculated with step-by-step integration.

    Key points

    1. 1D equations of motion were implemented.
    2. Results agree well with the minimum drop size required for impingement.
    3. Water drops may contact the cylinder at very low K values.
    4. The methods appears accurate enough to use for other applications.


    We are going to start with a one dimensional simulation along a single line, the stagnation line of flow around a cylinder, y=0 in the figure above.

    We will implement the equations of motions for a drop around a cylinder from "Mathematical Investigation of Water Droplet Trajectories" 1.

    Readers unfamiliar with "Mathematical Investigation of Water Droplet Trajectories" may wish to review it before proceeding further herein, especially to be familiar with the …

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