"evaporation losses are ... very small (less than 1 percent) in the case of smaller obstacles (of icing-rate-measurement-cylinder size)."
"Maximum Evaporation Rates of Water Droplets Approaching Obstacles the Atmosphere under Icing Conditions" Evaporation calculations 1
Less that 1% of drops evaporate approaching an obstacle for most cases.
Key points
- Equations are detailed for the evaporation of water drops approaching an obstacle.
- The equations were coded into a python program.
- Less that 1% of drops evaporate approaching an obstacle for most cases.
- A water drop that approaches on the stagnation line but does not impinge is predicted to evaporate away.
NACA-TN-3024 was reviewed previously, herein we will concentrate on comparing our own code to the results in NACA-TN-3024.
read moreWhen a closed body or a duct envelope moves through the atmosphere, air pressure and temperature rises occur ahead of the body or, under ram conditions, within the duct. If cloud water …