Articles with tag: "icing conference"

(Note: figures do not appear in the summaries below)
  1. The Icing Problem

    "Aircraft are now capable of flying in icing clouds without difficulty, however, because research by the NACA and others has provided the engineering basis for icing protection systems"



    This paper summarizes some of the techniques used in N.A.C.A. research programs, in flight and in tunnels, to solve aircraft icing problems and it indicates the scope of the data available for the design of aircraft icing protection systems. Sufficient data have been obtained, generalized where possible, and techniques have been established whereby icing-protection requirements for most aircraft components can be determined sufficiently accurately for engineering purposes. The Appendices discuss the icing facilities at the N.A.C.A. Lewis laboratory in detail, specific test equipment and techniques used in conducting tests in icing wind tunnels, and several icing instruments.


    This is an excellent summary by Uwe …

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  2. Some Considerations for the Need of Icing Protection of High-Speed, High-Altitude Airplanes

    Published: Fri 03 January 2025
    Updated: Tue 28 January 2025

    tags: icing conference

    "These high-speed aircraft cruise at altitudes at which little, if any, icing occurs."

    "NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation" 1

    Figure 1. Flight plans for hypothetical aircraft.


    This paper considers the performance penalty caused by icing during climb in terms of reduction in rate of climb and in range for aircraft without airframe icing protection. It should be noted that the paper is intended to show only orders of magnitude rather than absolute values.


    This volume contains copies of the technical papers presented at the NACA Conference On Some Problems of Aircraft Operation on November 17 and 18 , 1954 at the Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory . A list of the conferees, who are members of the aircraft industry and the military services, is included.

    The conference in 1954 had 21 presentations, two of which were on aircraft icing topics.

    Here, "Some Considerations for the Need of Icing Protection of High-Speed, High-Altitude Airplanes" by …

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  3. Icing Conditions to be Expected in Operation of High-Speed, High-Altitude Airplanes

    Published: Fri 03 January 2025
    Updated: Fri 07 February 2025

    tags: icing conference

    "high-speed, high-altitude airplanes will encounter much less icing than older type airplanes"

    "NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation" 1

    Figure 4. Liquid water content of icing clouds above 20,000 ft.


    The formation of ice on aircraft in flight is caused by the freezing of supercooled liquid -water droplets as they strike the exposed surfaces of the aircraft. Icing conditions exist, therefore, when free water in the liquid state is present in the air at temperatures below freezing.
    Such conditions are frequently found in clouds, but not all clouds at subfreezing temperatures produce icing. Some clouds are composed entirely of ice crystals, which, in the absence of liquid water, do not adhere to the aircraft and therefore do not cause icing. Subfreezing clouds thus may be divided into three classes depending on whether they are composed of ice crystals, liquid-water droplets, or a mixture of crystals and drops. The latter two types, liquid and mixed clouds, are icing clouds …

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  4. NACA Conference on Aircraft Ice Prevention 1947

    Published: Fri 03 January 2025
    Updated: Thu 09 January 2025

    tags: icing conference

    "A solution to a problem ... of ice can usually be found, but the solution always involves penalties."


    Discussion of research on design, development, and flight application of aircraft ice-prevention equipment. Subjects discussed are NACA research on the thermal ice-prevention system, flight investigation of meteorological factors conducive to aircraft icing, calculation of heat required for wing thermal ice-prevention in specified ice conditions, tension in radio antenna wires resulting from ice formation, analytical study of thermal ice-prevention systems applied to light aircraft, effect of ice formations on aircraft performance, etc.


    This documents the state of the art in 1947 for aircraft ice protection.

    Presentations were made on 15 topics.

    Here, we will see the abstract of each topic, a summary of results, selected figures, and where to find more information.


    [Links are provided to sections summarized herein.]





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  5. The Greatest Thing That You Have (Probably) Never Read: 1969 Aircraft Ice Protection Report of Symposium

    "The subject of aircraft ice protection has provoked much controversy and discourse among theorists, designers, laboratory and test engineers, and flight operations people." 1

    Figure 1. Icing energy heat balance from a presentation by Bernard Messinger.


    The state of the art in 1969 of aircraft icing is documented in 16 presentations.


    The subject of aircraft ice protection has provoked much controversy and discourse among theorists, designers, laboratory and test engineers, and flight operations people. In view of this diversity of opinion and variety of approach, some difficulty has been experienced in applying current standards and in maintaining uniformity in the substantiation of aircraft ice protection. This symposium recognized the need to exchange ideas and it provided a general review of icing criteria, ice protection standards, methods of compliance, and service experience. It also served as a general refresher for Federal Aviation Administration personnel involved in the evaluation of aircraft ice protection. Technical papers were presented by government research and test …

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