The 132 publications in the “Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Aircraft Icing Publications” 1 include seven citations that were not published by NACA. This also has an effect of making some them difficult to find online:
Two NASA publications
- Perkins, Porter J.: Summary of Statistical Icing Cloud Data Measured Over United States and North Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Ocean During Routine Aircraft Operations. NASA Memo 1-19-59E, 1959.
- Gray, Vernon H.: Prediction of Aerodynamic Penalties Caused by Ice Formations on Various Airfoils. NASA-TM-D-2166, 1964.
Two references to NASA-TM-X-54700, which purportedly documents the “Compilation of the Paper Presented at NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation". However, the citation NASA-TM-X-54700 appears to be an error, as on the ntrs it is listed as “Space radiation- a compilation and discussion”. The “Compilation of the Paper Presented at NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation" is available as a print book.
- von Glahn, Uwe H.: "Some Considerations for the Need of Icing Protection of High-Speed, High-Altitude Airplanes", NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation. NASA-TM-82265, 1954.
- The NTRS link does not have a file download available.
- Gray, Vernon H.: "Icing Conditions to be Expected in Operation of High-Speed, High-Altitude Airplanes". NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation. NASA-TM-82266, 1954.
- The NTRS link does not have a file download available.
- von Glahn, Uwe H.: "Some Considerations for the Need of Icing Protection of High-Speed, High-Altitude Airplanes", NACA Conference on Some Problems of Aircraft Operation. NASA-TM-82265, 1954.
Three presentations by NACA staff given at conferences
- Gray, Vernon H.: "Correlation of Airfoil Ice Formations and Their Aerodynamic Effects With Impingement and Flight Conditions". SAE preprint No. 225 (paper presented at SAE National Aeronautics Meeting), October 1957.
- The NTRS link does not have a download available.
- It is available for purchase from the SAE.
- this appears to be similar to 2
- Gray, Vernon H.: "Heat Requirements for Ice Prevention on Gas-Heated Propellers". SAE preprint No. 424 (paper presented at SAE Annual Meeting), 1950.
- The NTRS link does not have a download available.
- It is available for purchase from the SAE.
- von Glahn, Uwe H.: "The Icing Problem", presented at Ottawa AGARD Conference. AG 19/P9, 10-17 June 1955.
- The NTRS link does not have a download available.
- I have not been able to find this.
- It appears to be what is reproduced in full in 1 as "The Icing Problem- Current Status and Research".
- Gray, Vernon H.: "Correlation of Airfoil Ice Formations and Their Aerodynamic Effects With Impingement and Flight Conditions". SAE preprint No. 225 (paper presented at SAE National Aeronautics Meeting), October 1957.
"Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Aircraft Icing Publications", NASA-TM-81651, August, 1981.
I could not locate this on the NTRS.
It is available at ( (circa November, 2021) ↩↩ -
Gray, Vernon H.: Correlations Among Ice Measurements, Impingement Rates, Icing Conditions and Drag Coefficients for an Unswept NACA 65A004 Airfoil. NACA-TN-4151, 1958. ↩