Hard to find publications

Published: Mon 30 January 2023
Updated: Thu 06 February 2025

tags: database

"The documents were so old, however, that they were not listed in the modern computerized library search systems, and some of these documents were out of print." 1

Several people using a library. 
Many are seated at tables reading books. 
There are book shelves, file cabinets for index cards, 
and a microfische reader.
NACA Cleveland library, circa 1945.


I can usually get even rare and obscure publications through inter-library loan from my public library, but these were reported as having no loanable copies available.


I have tried the many excellent search tips at Gwern's Internet Search Tips, and now I am at the "request help" stage.

I would appreciate any help anyone can offer finding them as loanable print copies or digitally.

Recently made available

  • Heat Transfer Calculation for Aerofoils RAE Rep. No. Aero. 1783, Nov. 1942. Reprinted as NACA MRR No. 3E29, May 1943.
    Available online at abbottaerospace.com

Could only find at google books

  • NACA conference on some problems of aircraft operation [at] Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio, November 17, 18 1954 books.google.com

Might be available online soon

  • Orr, J.L., Milsum, J.H. and Rush, C.K.: “Electro-Thermal De-Icing Systems: Their Design and Control”. NRC NAE Report LR-70, March 1953.
  • Rush, C. K.: The N.R.C. icing wind tunnels and some of their problems. Ottawa: National Aeronautical Establishment 1955.

No Loanable Copies Available

  • Katz, R. E., and Cunningham, R. M.: Aircraft Icing Instruments. Instruments for Measuring Atmospheric Factors Related to Ice Formation on Airplanes - II. Dept. Meteorology, M.I.T., March 1948. (Final Rep. under Air Force Contract No. W-33-038-ac-14165, July 1,. 1945-Dec. 31, 1947.)
  • Vonnegut, B.: "Instruments for Measuring Atmospheric Factors Related to Ice Formation on Airplanes". De-Icing Res. Lab., Dept. Meteorology, M.I.T., April 1946

Could not find except by reference

I have found one-line references to these, but no on-line sources (ntrs.nasa.gov, google, worldcat, dtic, semanticscholar, archive.org, etc.), nor loanable library copies.

  • Chandler, H. C., Jr.: Survey of Aircraft Anti-icing Equipment. NACA restricted report, Feb. 27, 1942.
  • Howlett, D. P.: Ice Detectors. (paper presented at 1961 Aircraft Ice Protection Conference, D. Napier & Son, Ltd.)
  • Torgeson, W. L., and Abramson, A. E.: A Study of Heat Requirements for Anti-Icing Radome Shapes with Dry and Wet Surfaces. WADC Tech. Rep. 53-284, Wright Air Dev. Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Sept. 1953. (Contract AF 33(616)-85, RDO No. 664-802.)
  • NA-63-303, "Use of the Ko Correlation in Preliminary Design and Scale Model Icing," Frederick R. Weiner, North American Aviation, Inc. (Presented at Spring Meeting of Aircraft Air-Conditioning Forum, Los Angeles, California, March 21, 1963).
  • In-Flight Icing Paperback – January 1, 2001, by Porter J. Perkins, Sporty's Pilot Shop
  • Dickey, T.A., "An Analysis of the Effects of Certain Variables in Determining the Form of an Ice Accretion," , (presented at Mt. Washington Spring Planning Conference, April 1952, Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory, Naval Air Experimental Station. May 29, 1952.)

On a list of restricted/classified NASA reports

We may never get to see these, unless one has a security clearance and a "need to know". (Must be some really good info to still be restricted 80+ years later.)

However, I have seen copies of some other publications that are on this list, so things may have changed, and they might someday be available.


  • Rodert: Design Outline of Anti-icing Equipment Employing Heated Air, NACA ARR, 1942.
  • Rodert, Lewis A., Clousing, Lawrence A., and McAvoy, William H.: Recent Flight Research on Ice Prevention. NACA-ARR, Jan. 1942. (Might be similar to NACA-WR-A-34, April 1942, which is available at the NTRS ntrs.nasa.gov)


  1. Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Aircraft Icing Publications, NASA-TM-81651, August, 1981. ntrs.nasa.gov 
